Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The lure of the sale :)

Today I am going to talk about yard sales. That's right, I like to go to yard sales - something I said I would never do. I have gotten so many great things at the sales. I just love the fact that I am recycling something that someone else is throwing away. Saturday we got a bird house, and a bird feeder for a grand total of - are you ready for this - $3.00. The bird feeder was made of metal and even has squirrel guards! And, Saturday wasn't even a good sale day.

My favorite 'haul' was at one of my first yard sales. I saw a beautiful writing journal decorated with butterflies (my most favorite thing). It had a price tag of $5.00 which was kinda steep for a journal. But, I broke down and got it and promised myself I would start writing every day. On the way home from yardsaling I was flipping though the journal when my eyes caught sight of what looked like money. And, money it was - two crisp, new $50.00 bills!!!!!!!! WOW. And you know what? I kept it. I guess I could have taken it back like a really honest person would have done. But the lady who sold it was such a biotch. She was an artist and was selling $500.00 pictures at a yard sale!!!! I can just imagine some friend of this 'artist' giving her the journal as a gift and put the money in one of the days that was really significant - and she never even LOOKED in it and decided to put it in a yard sale. Oh well, needless to say it was a very good yard sale day for me :).

Anyway, yard sales have now become a Saturday morning ritual for Pat and I. You really meet some nice ( and not so nice ) people doing the same. We always laugh when we see someone pull up in a Mercedes to 'case the yard'. So for now, we will get up extra early on Saturdays - hit the big multi-family or church sales first - head to McDs for a chicken biscuit and sweet tea - the home to gloat about our bargains. Yep, I'm a real yardsaler and I love it!!!!!


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